General Navigation
General Navigation: Aeroplanes & Helicopters
Are you struggling with your ATPL General Navigation course or do you feel you would benefit from a more 'in depth' analysis of the subject matter? Don’t let the Maths and number crunching get you down, become fast and efficient and pass the ATPL General Navigation exam first time!
The principles of airborne navigation have evolved considerably over the last 100 years. With commercial aircraft now capable of flights in excess of 20 hours, with much of the duration spent over the oceans, navigation techniques have had to evolve to meet these new demands.
The ATPL General Navigation examination requires a competency in the calculations of distance, direction, speed, and time. It also requires a detailed understanding of maps and charts, including their properties and limitations.
The Great Circles general navigation course takes the prospective Airline Transport Pilot from basic navigational and plotting skills to the practical application of these techniques in real world scenarios. Not only does our course prepare you for the general navigation examination, it also discusses the practical aspects of navigation that might be encountered during commercial airline operations.
1 Day Course
• Latitude & Longitude
• Rhumb Lines & Great Circles
• Charts & Scales
• Plotting
2 Day Course (As above plus):
• Relative Bearings
• Temperatures, Heights & Speeds
• Rates of Descent
• Time & the Air Almanac
5 Day Course (As above plus):
• Maths & Algebraic Techniques
• Conversions
• Scale
• CRP-5 Flight Computer
• Rates of Descent & Glide Path
• Point of Safe Return
• EqualTime Points
• Departure
• Convergency
• Great Circles & Rhumb Lines
• Polar Stereographic Navigation
• Exam Technique & Practice Papers
All of our courses are delivered by extremely talented, patient and enthusiastic instructors who are both qualified teachers and professional pilots with a wealth of operational experience. We care about your needs and tailor our courses to your particular learning style. Where to stay and eat!
Think you live too far away from our training venue? Read our article 'Don't let distance stop you getting the best Ground School'. We donate a proportion of your course fee to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Course Overview
Structured, high quality lectures covering all aspects of the ATPL General Navigation syllabus.

- Departure
- Convergency
- Charts & Scale
- Plotting
- Relative Bearings
- Triangle of Velocities

Special Offer
Enrol for our 5 day course and save 10% Save money and time, pass your ATPL Ground School exams first time with confidence!
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